ADHD Q&A Webinar with Dr. Hanna

Mohab Hanna, MD and Jonathan S. Byrne, MSW, LCSW answer your questions pertaining to ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), ADHD Medications, and how parents can help.

Functioning Well with ADHD/Executive Function Disorder Webinar

Does your child have difficulty with getting started and staying on tasks? Have trouble with remembering assignments, deadlines and due dates? Are they scattered, disorganized and often feel overwhelmed? This webinar is for parents and children who have ADHD and/or executive function deficits. We will review Executive Functions or skills, how they relate to ADHD, […]

Dispelling the Myths: Understanding Autism Webinar

In today’s inclusive and diverse world, understanding is the key to fostering positive environments. In this webinar we work to foster understanding, dispel myths, and give you the tools to empower individuals with autism to reach their full potential. Whether you’re a teacher, caregiver, healthcare professional, or someone who simply wants to broaden their knowledge […]

School Anxiety and Avoidance Webinar

Is your child experiencing stress, worry, or fear related to school? There are increasing trends, especially after COVID, of students who experience anxiety related to school and also those who take steps to avoid attending. We discuss the causes and signs of school anxiety and avoidance. In addition, we discuss what steps parents can take […]

Unraveling Autism: Identifying and Understanding Core Features Webinar

Webinar presented by Sheena Lee from MedPsych Associates We delve into the world of autism spectrum disorders (ASD). This informative session aims to equip attendees with the knowledge and skills necessary to recognize and comprehend the fundamental characteristics of autism. Seasoned expert in the field, Sheena Lee DMSc, PA-C, CAQ-Psych, explores the diverse spectrum of […]

Parenting For Your Teens Mental Health Webinar

Webinar presented by Abby Marshall, Nicole Clark and Jonathan Byrne from MedPsych Associates As the school year begins, your teens will be facing new challenges academically, personally and socially. For parents, this is a time to reinforce your focus on your child’s mental wellness. Topics covered: